Custom Training Approach
Determine Your Needs
You are UNIQUE. We learn about your organization, employees, goals, current and past successes and help you determine what your specific objectives are.
Design &/Or Develop Your Solution
You may need us to do all the steps above, or only one, or some combination, because you’re doing the others already. Or you’ve one all the steps and need us to review it to give you our ideas on how you can improve!
Working collaboratively with you, we determine how to meet your organization and learner objectives. We’re always looking for the most effective, fastest to mastery and least intrusive solutions. Sometimes this is one solutions, sometimes it’s a hierarchy of solutions. For example, if training will meet the objectives, we work with you to plan the best training medium, content, interactive learning methods including reinforcement and measurement methods that are built right into the learning, and the development of this learning. We can execute the plan or you can (effective, fastest, least intrusive). If another intervention than training is needed to meet your objectives, we’ll plan it with you and again can implement or you can. Sometimes it’s a combination of If both are needed, we combine the solution for you.
Deliver Solutions
We work with you to plan and execute the best delivery method for your training or other interventions.
Reinforce & Measure
Reinforcement of learning on the job is crucial to successfully using the new skills or knowledge. But people rarely do it. They say they just don’t have time after being away for the training. We’ve found that it’s that word “after” that’s the obstacle. So we plan reinforcement and measurement of skill achievement into the learning. When the reinforcement methods and even the measurement of the skills and knowledge are presented as part of the learning, learners and their managers participate every time.
The result? – employees keep working to build and use that skill, and the job gets done on time, safely and with less re-work, all equaling cost savings and incoming production.
Need help defending or explaining the return on your training expenses? We help you track training costs and learning results so you know exactly how much money you made on the training!